Preventive services for adult men
The following are preventive services recommended by the American Academy of Family Physicians for adult men:
Ages 18 and up:
Accidental injury counseling
Screening and counseling for alcohol misuse
Counseling regarding benefits and risks of aspirin use to avoid coronary heart disease
Screening for depression
Screening for high blood pressure
Screening for obesity by measuring height and weight
Intensive counseling and behavioral interventions to promote sustained weight loss for obese adults
Advice regarding physical activity
Counseling for parents who smoke regarding harmful effects of smoking on children's health
Counseling regarding the risks for STD's and how to prevent them
Screening for tobacco use and provide tobacco cessation interventions
Age 35 and up:
All of the above
Screening for high cholesterol
Age 50 and up:
All of the above
Screening for colorectal cancer
Age 65 and up:
All of the above
One time screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm in men who have ever smoked
Screening and counseling for hearing difficulties
Screening for visual difficulties
Preventive screenings and exams are individualized for each patient according to their needs. Additional screenings and counseling may be necessary according to risk factors.